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WPILib Setup

WPILib is a software library for all FRC Team. This library allows us to interact with different electrical components. It has a lot of classes that allows you to interact with the FRC Drive Station, electrical components, SmartDashboard, and more.

Learn more

This is essential for FRC Programming.



For this tutorial we will be using Windows 10+.


  1. Navigate to WPILib's Github releases page
  2. Find the latest version of WPILib release
  3. Scroll down to Assets, then select the software that corresponds your OS


  1. Locate your Download file in your File Explorer
  2. Right click and select Mount



If you do not have Mount option, use 7-Zip and extract the file through it.

  1. Run through the Installer prompts
    • Choose Everything
    • Chose Install for this User or Install for all Users
      • For Install for this User install the WPILib to your current signed in account
      • For Install for all Users install WPILib to all the users in your computer

VSCode Install Prompt

When the installer prompts you to download the WPILib's own VSCode version, make sure you do download them.

Recommended: Select the Downalod for this Computer only option VSCInstallPrompt.png


Once WPILib is done installing, click Finish. You have finished downloading WPILib to your computer! 🎉